Pandora Founder Tim Westergren’s Top 5 Desert Island Album Picks

In this quick interview (as recorded on my iPhone) I asked Tim Westergren, the founder of Pandora, what five albums he would take with him to a desert island.

UPDATE October 2009: It’s worth noting Tim did that interview prior to the death of pop legend Michael Jackson. I was inspired update this post after hearing him recently give an interview on Internet Evolution Radio.

At the time I made the recording, Westergren gave a talk about Pandora on the iPhone and the entire presentation is available below. It was done on my iPhone and mixed in GarageBand.

For you music fans out there, the music selection in this recording is a mashup entitled “Let’s D.A.N.C.E.” (Lady Gaga vs. Justice vs. David Bowie) by DJ Paul V.

YouTube’s Video Your Vote

This playlist features 27 videos I produced from October to November of this year as part of YouTube and PBS’s project “Video Your Vote”. With my little Flip camera in hand I went all around my city and talked to friends and strangers about what they voted for. It’s worth noting the question was “What do you vote for?” as I feel that voting is a private act. It was interesting to me that many people chose to respond with the presidential candidate they were voting for.

On another note: KFWB (my local AM news radio station owned by CBS Radio, a subsidiary of CBS Corporation) ripped a sound bite from one of these interviews the day following the election. They failed to give me credit as a source. I attempted to contact the newsroom for several days and each time I was connected to a person they said they would look into it and get back to me.

But they never did.

I think this is sloppy reporting. Today with my blog and the tools I use for podcasting even I know the importance of acknowledging where I got the information I’m relaying or commenting on. Any corporate mainstream press outlet worth their salt ought to be doing the same. Not only that, except where indicated by a Creative Commons license, I retain the copyright to most of my digital media. Kindly obtain permission from me if you are interested in using my work because even under the CC license I disallow commercial use or the creation of derivative works.