DTLA in 360° Panorama Series: “Alice in Wonderland” Virtual Tour

In Skid Row, at the corner of Towne Avenue and East 4th Street is a fantastic series of street art that riffs on the “Alice in Wonderland” theme.

In all, there are 12 panels altogether, and I’ve captured 11 of them to view in this virtual tour.  I’m bummed I didn’t get all of them, but one of the vendors was open for business at the time, so it was impossible to get a photo.

The American Hotel Street Art Free Wall in 360°

American Hotel – Los Angeles, California – View on Google Street View

Back in January, I captured this pano of the American Hotel’s free wall. It featured a piece by Cali Killa called ”Beware Hipsters” (above). Then last week, I took this pano of the same wall (below) which features among other works, a message from Fearless LA, a church group originally from Modesto that’s settled into the Los Angeles scene.