It’s coming! The Los Angeles Animation Festival is coming!

Hello hello!

I just signed up to help out the good folks that produce the Los Angeles Animation Festival, LA’s only International Animation Festival running since 2007.  The festival is happening from November 30th through December 2 and for more information or to get tickets, click here!

In addition to telling you how awesome this event is, I want to share this 360 video about the making of Wes Anderson’s “Isle of Dogs” that can be experienced in 2D or 3D (anaglyph). It represents my aspirations of where I want to go creatively and professionally: the confluence of animation, technology, and storytelling. If you have a VR headset, by all means, watch this video with it — however, a headset is not required.

“Isle of Dogs” will be screening at the Los Angeles Animation Festival on December 2, 2018 @ 1:30pm followed by a discussion with the production designer Paul Harrod, formerly of Laika Studio. Tickets available here:

Hope to see you at the festival!

Tanja Barnes Joins IVRPA’s Board of Directors!

I am thrilled to announce my appointment to Director of Social Media at the International Virtual Reality Professionals Association. I became a member of the organization five years ago and have volunteered at several of IVRPA’s yearly conferences.

Most recently I helped out at IVRPA 2018 in Tokyo which featured four days of talks, workshops, panels, exhibitors and various events. While in Tokyo, I played a key role in stage managing the event’s presentations by calling cues, introducing the speakers, and timing the talks.

It’s exciting to be at the confluence of technology, art, and communications and I’m honored to be part of the IVRPA Board of Directors.

Image by Little Planet

Founded in 1998 the International Virtual Reality Professionals Association (IVRPA) is an international association of professionals who create and produce 360° interactive, immersive images and video. The IVRPA is a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation under the 501(c)(3) section of the Internal Revenue Code. More information at

Let’s get social! Follow IVRPA on the following platforms:






Last Night’s Proto Awards in Hollywood

Shane Nilsson, Coal Car Studio
Shane Nilsson – Proto Award Winner for “Fruit Golf”

Hellooooo, e’erbody. It’s been awhile, I know.  Let’s catch up!

Since my last post, I’ve been working on a project for Amazon Studios that has recently wrapped. It’s been wonderful, but unfortunately, there’s been no time for working on my panoramas. Now that my job is finished, I have a backlog of VR images to process and upload. Wait for it.  They’ll be coming soon!

Cell-e-Brate – Final CELLspace Jam in San Francisco on Saturday 8/30/2014


Since 1998, CELLspace in San Francisco’s Mission was a locus for unique cultural, artistic, and community events.

The space is also known as a world famous practice venue within the street dance community, and many events were held there such as Mighty 4, Solidify, Momentum, Who Can Roast the Most, and Burning Sessions to name just a few.

I’ve Got a Featured Photo on Flickr!

Repeat that three times fast: “Featured photo on Flickr! Featured photo on Flickr! Featured photo on Flickr!”

Woo hoo!

OK, sorry about that folks — thanks for indulging me. Now, enough with alliteration! Here’s the scoop:

Earlier this evening I was receiving a ton of notifications from Flickr with members of the community “favoriting” and leaving nice comments about the above referenced panorama.

(To embiggen, click on the image above to interact with the panorama, or click below to view it on Flickr.)

I was flummoxed! I couldn’t understand what was going on until I discovered that this image was featured today on Flickr’s blog.

As it turns out, the folks at Flickr curated this image along with several other images from other  photographers that captured images at either dusk or dawn as part of their “Twilight Colors” gallery.

This is apropos as the photo is of the morning twilight at Bear’s Landing in Donner Lake, California.  I literally took the panorama at the crack of dawn many moons ago as part of an equipment test for my Hejnar Photo panoramic head.

Since I sequenced the shots 8+1Z+2N on the Hejnar head, the process took a bit longer than what I’m accustomed to (usually I shoot 4+1N on a 360° Precision Atome). Within moments after capturing the shot the wind began to rise causing ripples on the lake’s smooth, glassy surface. Simultaneously, the morning’s colors and light quality began to shift considerably and suddenly the magic hour magically disappeared.

For me, this nod from Flickr is pretty epic to be recognized in such a fashion and I’m feeling pretty darn lucky so I may as well go out and get my Powerball ticket now, too! =)

Many thanks to Flickr and a warm “hello” to the fantastic photographers included in this gallery.

Donner Lake
Morning Twilight @ Bears’ Landing – Donner Lake, California


Facts About Covered California’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)

Due to my previous posts about California’s health insurance marketplace, I’ve received a couple of requests from owners of entertainment production companies in my network to cover health insurance for small businesses.

In response, the topic of today’s blog post will be Covered California’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). The information provided here is applicable to all California small businesses and not specific to the entertainment industry.

In case you’re just tuning in, my previous blog posts discuss how the Affordable Healthcare Act affects Californian’s include Finding Affordable Health Insurance Through Covered California and The Basics of Medi-Cal and Covered California for 2014

This will conclude my introductory series designed to educate my readers about Covered California, the state’s new health insurance exchange and I hope I’ve demystified the whole she-bang for you.

If you get nothing more out of this series at least take this with you: you maybe able to find the exact same health insurance coverage (for those of you who are already insured) but may also qualify for tax credits or assistance with your premiums ONLY if you go through Covered California. If you are currently insured or choose to purchase coverage directly through an insurer, you may not know about these tax credits or premium assistance as your current insurer is under no obligation to inform you and that could cost you money.

At the bottom will be links to obtain more information than I am able to provide.

Small Businesses Requirements to Provide Health Insurance

First, let’s define what a small businesses is in the eyes of the law. Under the Affordable Care Act, a small businesses has 50< full time employees and as such, is not required to provide health insurance for their employees.

Covered California’s small-business program is designed for any business with up to 50 eligible employees. You must have at least one employee other than yourself who receives a W-2 tax form at the end of the year.

Note: If you are self-employed without any employees, you are not eligible for the small-business program but should look into the individual marketplace operated by Covered California.

Employers with 50≥ full-time-equivalent employees or more that do not offer these employees (and their dependents) the opportunity to enroll in minimum essential health coverage may be subject to penalties beginning in 2015.

Businesses with 50< full-time employees are not subject to these penalties.

SHOP Tax Credits for Small Businesses

Small-business owners may qualify for a tax credit to help offset their contribution to their employees’ premium. The tax credit you receive as an employer will depend on a number of factors, including the number of full-time-equivalent employees and the amount you contribute to your employees’ insurance premiums. 
Generally, businesses with 10< full-time-equivalent employees and yearly wages averaging less than $25,000 will qualify for the highest credits. 
There are two phases of tax credits as I’ve outlined below:
  • Starting in 2010 and lasting through tax year 2013, there is a tax credit for businesses with 25< full-time-equivalent employees who are paid an average annual salary of less than $50,000. During this first phase, qualifying employers can receive a tax credit of up to 35% of premium expenses (25% for nonprofits). 
  • Starting in 2014, the maximum tax credit increases to 50% (35% for nonprofits) and is available for a total of two consecutive years. 
To qualify for any tax credit, employers must contribute at least 50% of employees’ premium costs.

When is the enrollment period for SHOP?

Unlike individuals and families, there is no designated open-enrollment period for SHOP. This gives employers the option to enroll either according to their current policy’s renewal date or by another effective date of their choosing. Employers can enroll in Covered California’s SHOP throughout the year.

Here’s some milestones to keep in mind:

  • In 2014, Covered California will begin offering health insurance plans to employers with 50< employees eligible employees, for coverage effective Jan. 1, 2015.
  • In 2015, Covered California will expand to offer health insurance plans to employers with 100≤ employees eligible employees, for coverage effective Jan. 1, 2016.


That’s a wrap, folks, on my three-part blog series introducing fellow Californian’s to the salient points of the Affordable Care Act and how it pertains to Covered California, the state’s new health exchange.

Please remember what I said earlier. It’s worth repeating: you maybe able to find the exact same health insurance coverage (for those of you who are already insured) but you may also qualify for tax credits or assistance with your premiums ONLY if you go through Covered California. If you are currently insured or choose to purchase coverage directly through an insurer, you may not know about these tax credits or premium assistance as your current insurer is under no obligation to inform you and that could cost you money.

If you have any questions, just feel free to contact me and I’ll help you out as best as I can but your best bet is to go the website. If you prefer to talk to a real human bean, you can find a Certified Enrollment Specialist here, or contact an insurer at the State Health Benefit Exchange here.

It’s been a pleasure exploring the options for health insurance together with you!

This series of blog posts including Finding Affordable Health Insurance Through Covered CaliforniaThe Basics of Medi-Cal and Covered California for 2014 and Facts About Covered California’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) is dedicated in loving memory to Martin Bosworth.

The Basics of Medi-Cal and Covered California for 2014

This is a follow-up to yesterday’s blog post “Finding Affordable Health Insurance Through Covered California“.  Today I continue to provide information on options for obtaining affordable health insurance and health care in California, specifically as it pertains to Medi-Cal.

If you get nothing more out of this topic at least take this with you: you maybe able to find the exact same health insurance coverage (for those of you who are already insured) but what’s more: you may qualify for tax credits or assistance with your premiums ONLY if you go through Covered California.

If you are currently insured or choose to purchase coverage directly through an insurer, you may not know about these tax credits or premium assistance as your current insurer is under no obligation to inform you and that could cost you money.

Medi-Cal Basics

In addition to Premium Assistance there is also Medi-Cal which is free health coverage for those who qualify including people with disabilities and those that meet certain income criteria. See my Medi-Cal eligibility chart below.

You may be eligible for Medi-Cal in 2014
Note: if you already have affordable insurance from your employer or government program like 
Medicare or Medicaid, you will not be eligible for financial assistance through Medi-Cal.

What Services Will Medi-Cal Provide?

Medi-Cal covers doctor visits, hospital care, and pregnancy-related services, as well as nursing home care for individuals age 21 or older. The ACA ensures all Medi-Cal health plans what is called as essential health benefits. Essential health benefits must include:

  • Ambulatory patient services
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services including Behavioral Health Treatment
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Rehabilitative and Habilitative Services and devices
  • Laboratory services
  • Preventive and wellness services & chronic disease management
  • Pediatric services (including oral and vision care)

Effective 2014, mental health and substance use disorder services will expand to better meet the needs of individuals eligible for Medi-Cal.

This expansion also allows coverage for parents who would lose coverage under current rules if their income slightly exceeds the federal poverty level (refer to my above chart).

All Medi-Cal beneficiaries who qualify will be able to receive the following mental health benefits through Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans and Medi-Cal Fee-For-Service:

  • Individual and group mental health evaluation and treatment (psychotherapy)
  • Psychological testing when clinically indicated to evaluate a mental health condition
  • Outpatient services for the purposes of monitoring drug therapy
  • Outpatient laboratory, drugs, supplies and supplements
  • Psychiatric consultation
  • Specialty mental health services currently provided by County Mental Health Plans will continue to be available.
  • Substance Use Disorder Services Benefits:
  • Voluntary Inpatient Detoxification
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment Services
  • Residential Treatment Services
  • Outpatient Drug Free Services
  • Narcotic Treatment Services
  • Dental care, vision services and speech therapy are generally available only to children and youths under age 21, but certain adults and pregnant women are also eligible for these services. Dental services will be available to all adults starting May, 2014.

FAQ’s about Medi-Cal and Covered California

► If I already have Medi-Cal benefits, do I need to reapply? 

No.  If you already have Medi-Cal coverage, your Medi-Cal benefits will continue until your next regularly scheduled annual redetermination date.

► If I currently receive Medi-Cal benefits, will my benefits change in 2014? 

No.  Medi-Cal will continue to provide the same benefits under the ACA as it provides you today. At your annual redetermination, Medi-Cal will determine what health insurance program you and your family are best suited for.

► Is Medi-Cal changing its criteria to receive benefits?

Yes.  Medi-Cal eligibility is now simpler than ever.  For most individuals, Medi-Cal eligibility will be based on your household size and your income.  Medi-Cal will also attempt to verify your information electronically so you may be found eligible for benefits without ever having to provide paper verifications.

► How does Covered California work with Medi-Cal?

Covered California will act as a “one-stop shop” for health insurance.  Through Covered California, you will be able to apply for Medi-Cal benefits electronically and receive a real-time eligibility results.  You will also be able to report changes online and receive real-time customer support 24 hours a day. 


If you have any additional questions regarding the Affordable Care Act and how it expands health care coverage, including Medi-Cal in 2014,  visit California’s Department of Health Care Services website at

This series of blog posts including Finding Affordable Health Insurance Through Covered CaliforniaThe Basics of Medi-Cal and Covered California for 2014 and Facts About Covered California’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) is dedicated in loving memory to Martin Bosworth.