Finding Affordable Health Insurance Through Covered California

Covered California
800-300-1506   |   TTY: 888-889-4500

In this introductory blog post I will teach you about Covered California, the state’s new health insurance exchange and marketplace where individuals, visual and performing artists, and entertainment professionals will be able to purchase health insurance for 2014.

In a following blog post I will discuss Medi-Cal and how it can help obtain affordable health insurance and health care in California for those who qualify.

The final post in the series will cover the state’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP). The information provided here is applicable to all California small businesses and what the law requires for these employers.

If you get nothing more out of this series at least take this with you: you maybe able to find the exact same health insurance coverage (for those of you who are already insured) but what’s more: you may qualify for tax credits or assistance with your premiums ONLY if you go through Covered California.

If you are currently insured or choose to purchase coverage directly through an insurer, you may not know about these tax credits or premium assistance as your current insurer is under no obligation to inform you and that could cost you money.

Let’s begin.

Affordable Care Act and Covered California

Earlier this month the Affordable Care Act (ACA) rolled out. It is the most significant regulatory overhaul of the nation’s healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 by LBJ and Congress.

Now my mother once told me some sage advice that applies to social situations but it also ostensibly makes sense in social media: to avoid arguments and bad feelings never discuss politics, religion and money.

Being a good daughter (and having learned from experience that my mother is right), I won’t be commenting about the politics of the ACA but I do want to share some information I learned from the Actors Fund. If you want to learn more than what I can provide in this blog post, call the Actors Fund Covered California Information Hotline at 855-491-3357.

OK. I’ll start with the facts as it pertains to me as a U.S. citizen and a California resident.

Under the ACA, all American citizens are required by law to have health insurance in 2014 or pay an annual penalty of $95.00 per adult and $47.50 per child. These penalties will increase significantly in 2015 and beyond.

How can health insurance be obtained for Californians such as myself? The answer is: either through an employer, a government program or privately.

Covered California is the state’s implementation of the American Health Benefit Exchange provisions of the ACA. On the Covered California website ( California residents can explore health insurance options and enroll in a plan.

Only legal residents of California who do not have health insurance from their employer or government program can obtain health insurance through Covered California.

Assuming you are a resident, you will be able to purchase the same quality health insurance from Covered California that is available on the private market.

Here’s some things you should also know:

  • Under Covered California you cannot be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition. 
  • Premium Assistance is available to those how purchase insurance with an income of 400% of the Federal Poverty Level which is $45,960 for individuals and $94,200 for a family of four. 
  • The initial enrollment period is from October 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014
  • If your enrollment date is on or before December 15 your coverage begins on January 1, 2014.
  • The annual enrollment period is October 15, 2014 through December 7, 2014 and every year thereafter.

What Health Insurance Covers

All health plans offered in the individual and small-group markets must provide a comprehensive package of items and services, known as essential health benefits. These benefits fit into the following categories:
  • Ambulatory patient services
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
  • Laboratory services
  • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  • Pediatric services, including dental and vision care

Premium Assistance and Covered California

Premium Assistance is a tax credit to help reduce your monthly insurance premium and are immediately applied when you enroll to pay for health insurance but only if you do so through Covered California.  You will not obtain these credits if you go directly through an insurance provider 

Times are tough for several of my friends and colleagues who have lost their jobs and livelihoods, I realize that. Many of you may be paying for health insurance privately while you search for a new job. Or if maybe you’re like one single mom that I know who is struggling to get medical care for one of her two sons who has a pre-existing condition.

So what I want to emphasize to those who are undergoing financial stress is that the only way to receive Premium Assistance is to purchase a Covered California Health Plan through their website. As I understand it, Premium Assistance cannot be grandfathered in with your current health plan or COBRA plan. It is necessary to switch to a Covered California plan.

Again: the only way to receive Premium Assistance is to purchase a Covered California Health Plan through their website.

While there, you will find a calculator to determine your eligibility for Premium Assistance. You will also be able to compare plans, select a plan and enroll. Enrollment can be accomplished on-line, over the phone, in person or by mail.

How To Obtain Health Insurance through Covered California 

Now determining what the best plan is for you and your family can be confusing, so Certified Enrollment Specialists are vetted by the state to help.

Another great resource is Artists Health Insurance Resource Center (AHIRC).

I’ve found them to be completely unbiased. They do not accept advertising or commercial endorsements.

The only thing they promote is the healthy artists with full access to health care. Their mission is insure every artist in the United States by 2014.

For more information, call 323-933-9244 ext. 32 or visit their Covered California e-learning center here:

This series of blog posts including Finding Affordable Health Insurance Through Covered CaliforniaThe Basics of Medi-Cal and Covered California for 2014 and Facts About Covered California’s Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) is dedicated in loving memory to Martin Bosworth.

Woohoo! I’m the new Featured Photographer on Sphere!

The Sphere for iOS and Android

Great news today in my in-box from Jamison Ross, the content curator at Sphere, the premiere 360° panorama photography app for mobile devices.

In the email, Ross announced: “We’re celebrating the folks who contribute the most beautiful and engaging content on Sphere and we’ve chosen you to be one of the few photographers we’re featuring.”

Woohoo! This is so amazingly very cool because the Sphere delivers the best possible “remote travel” platform for iOS devices. In fact you can download their free app by going to this link:

On an Android? No worries. It’s also available for free in Google Play:

The Sphere selected to feature my panorama entitled “The Junk Art Sculpture Garden” in Olancha, California (above). Here’s more about it:

Located just off of Highway 395 near Walker Creek is a pop-up public art gallery of metal sculptures and other junk art, including a piece that accepts and offers gifts, and another labeled “Be Kind, Not Right.” The largest piece features a hitch hiking girl with a suitcase. The most colorful sculpture features a plaque with instructions that read: “Give and Take. Put something in give container then retrieve something from take container. You can give without taking, But not the other way around. If you choose to take without giving, the mirror will make you face yourself and the eyes will follow you for ever and ever. Just like in real life.”  Directions: Off of Highway 395 in Olancha. Dirt road on the west side of the highway, just north of Walker Creek Road. Look for the Walker Creek Road sign (yellow and black sign) and then look for the dirt road. Admission: Free.

Many thanks to the Sphere team!

UPDATE: Oops! It appears I’m mistaken about the featured panorama. Sphere is featuring me and my portfolio so when you visit their site you may see other panoramas I’ve taken in addition to the one in this post.

Meet Kimba, My Poster Cat for FixNation

This is Kimba, a feral kitty that was neutered last month at FixNation. As you can see, he’s doing well despite his preferred grunge/slacker kitty appearance. About two years ago he began to show up daily on the porch for his breakfast and dinner. Even though we’re friends now, he always keeps a distance of at least 15′ from me when I’m near him but this morning I was able to capture this photograph through the window. A friend of mine recommended FixNation, a non-profit organization operating the only free, full-time spay/neuter clinic in Los Angeles for homeless stray and feral cats. They also fix domesticated cats for a small fee.

 More at

Support the VFX Industry: “Piece of the Pi” Demonstration Tomorrow 2/24/2013 @ the Academy Awards

Rhythm & Hues Sizzle Reel 2012

Dear Friends of the WGA, DGA, PGA, SAG/AFTRA, and IATSE,

My friends at Rhythm & Hues Studios are up for Academy Awards for Best Achievement in Visual Effects their work on two films: THE LIFE OF PI and SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN. They also worked on DJANGO UNCHAINED which is nominated for Best Picture.

If Rhythm & Hues wins this year’s award, it will be their third having won for BABE (1995) and THE GOLDEN COMPASS (2007). Sadly, however, earlier this month, R&H filed for bankruptcy and was shuttered after 25 years in the biz.

Of all the artisans, technicians and craftspersons of the entertainment industry, the VFX field is the newest and unfortunately, the workers are the most exploited due to the fact that they are not affiliated with any union although there have been some attempts to bring them into the fold of the Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (tip of the hat to Steve Hulett). VFX professionals are not organized and many that I’ve spoken to do not even understand why they should be.

Won’t you please join them (or at the very least support them through outreach and mentoring) as former Rhythm & Hues employees and the VFX community at large gather tomorrow for a “PIECE OF THE PI” demonstration that will take place at Hollywood & Vine from 1pm-4:30 tomorrow, Sunday March 24, 2013.

More info at their FB event here:

Please join our VFX brothers and sisters in solidarity as their struggle is our struggle. Let us always remember that we are all in this together.


Kiva – Make a Loan for FREE with Kiva & Me!

As some of you may know, I am a lender at, an organization that allows people to lend money via the Internet to microfinance institutions in developing countries around the world and in the United States, which in turn lend the money to small businesses and students.

It was many years ago that Otto Schutt initially introduced me to this organization. Since his death and in loving memory of him, I lend about 90% of my portfolio to women to help them acquire and maintain a small business in Ecuador, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Burundi, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cambodia, Samoa, the Phillipines, the Ukraine and Pakistan.

Today you can help someone escape poverty by trying out microlending platform Kiva, and it won’t cost you a dime.

I’m inviting you to participate in the Kiva Free Trials program which hopes to introduce people to the positive impact of microfinance philanthropy, and get them to lend their own money next time.

All you have to do is go to where Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn has put up $1 million of his money to enable 40,000 people give $25 microloans to help those in need start farms and general stores that can support their families.

Once again, the link is’s Gone Mobile!

I’m so excited to announce the launch of Tanja Barnes Mobile. It’s the same URL but with an interface tailored to your phone.

With this webapp you can learn in a concise format the various services I provide and the cost of a treatment. You can also:

  • Contact me with the touch of a button and book a massage
  • Purchase gift certificates via Google Checkout
  • Learn a few tips on how to massage a friend or sweetheart
  • Add my new mobile app to your home screen for quick access on the go. 

For those who would like to know more, my full website can still be viewed from your laptop or desktop computer.  It provides more in-depth information about my services and includes access to my entire suite of online resources including FAQs, digital downloads, blogs, 360° panoramas and more.

Check it out by clicking or scanning the QR code above from your smart phone to get started. And please let me know what you think

About This Blog – Updated February 2011

Hello, this is Tanja.  I’m in the midst of redesigning my website which will be a work in progress for the next month or so.  In so doing, I thought I’d take a moment to update the blog as well.

I launched my first blog back in 2004 with the intention to replace my on-line quarterly newsletters that were posted to my website since 1999. If you want to read past articles from this now defunct newsletter they are now archived at my old website here. It was designed by the great folks at Kapow. At the time I posted content about massage therapy, alternative healing methods and some healthy recipes. Occasionally I wrote about things as if my blog were a public diary — thankfully nothing I’d be embarrassed to say openly.

Back then, I didn’t really know what I was doing. I think most people new to the blogosphere don’t know what they’re doing either so I don’t feel too bad.

I think this whole Web 2.0 thing is just one big experiment really and so we all fumble about as we find our voice and create our digital identity here on the Web.

Unfortunately, my ISP ate my blog when I switched providers and then *poof*! It was gone!

Then in 2005 I heard on NPR that the Oxford University Press had selected ‘podcast’ as the Word of the Year.

When I heard the that, I vowed I would give up my love of all things tech because I felt like I simply couldn’t keep up! I mean… you know… it’s an expensive habit buying all those new shiny gadgets that quickly become obsolete. And like a great athlete you have to constantly be training to keep up.

Not too long after I quit a friend dared me to make a podcast and you know what? I couldn’t resist!

At first it was really, really, REALLY hard. I’m a massage therapist by profession so I’m completely autodidactic in learning all there is about interviewing subjects, capturing audio/video, editing, mixing, coding and publishing to the Web. There was so much to learn not mention that things were constantly changing as the medium continues to develop and evolve.

But I kept it up and fell in love with it along the way. So much for giving up technology as an expensive habit, eh?  Now I can proudly assert I am one of earliest pioneers of podcasting! To this day I produce a community-based arts and culture podcast that’s tremendously fulfilling. But still… there’s so much more to learn.

So through this current iteration of my blog I aspire to share with you things that I feel are pretty nifty using podcasting tools including audio and video recordings. Occasionally I may even post a wordy, text heavy posts much like this one as well.

I’m happy to share with you my knowledge and have posted several video tutorials on how to do things on a Mac or in social media. If you’re stuck with a problem and it’s something I can assist with you with, feel free to contact me and I’ll try to help.

* The views expressed on this blog do not reflect those of any employer, past, present or future.